Students helping classrooms stay green

Ryan Susnar

Sophomore Jaidyn Shannon waters an aloe plant for her job during the vocational period on Feb. 6.

Who takes care of the plants in the classrooms? Are we going to let them die? Nope. 

A couple of students from the REACH program save the day for the teachers to keep the vegetation healthy. 

During the vocational period in the REACH program, two students are committed to a job for some time to get some experience in a certain field. 

On Feb. 6, sophomores Jaidyn Shannon and Andrew Rickmon worked in the MCHS greenhouse at Central Campus. Senior Mikayla Glover also supervised  them around on their trip. These are some of the unsung heroes behind the plants in your classroom.  

“It makes me happy that I get to help out and its making sure they each get the help,” Glover said. 

Shannon and Rickman go through a routine that they do twice a week on Monday and Friday. On Mondays, the plants are being watered, and on Fridays, they check the soil to if needs to be watered again.

Additionally, if the plant needs more care they will come back and email the student worker for the greenhouse. 

“I like to water the plants, but I like the mail job better,” Rickmon said. 

The duo follows a sheet that tells them which classroom to enter, how to take care of the plants and all the instructions to water certain types of plants. 

“Jaidyn has this job first because she is always advocating to work at a greenhouse,” special education teacher Ms. Jenny Wicevic said. 

Shannon enjoys the work. 

“My favorite plant is the spider plant,” Shannon said. 

Students in the REACH program visited a greenhouse last year and went through what they would do andhow much money they would make. It was a hit for all the kids, according to Wicevic. The goal is to create a variety of different experiences to gauge a kids interest in each skill.