Opinion: Wear a mask to help stop COVID-19

A woman wears a mask in public, protecting herself and others around her.

A woman wears a mask in public, protecting herself and others around her.

Our world has been shell shocked by the immense change in our society and everyday life due to the coronavirus, a deadly respiratory disease that has no vaccine yet. One of the most effective ways of preventing the spread is to wear a face mask, but this has become a debate. However, for the safety of everyone, masks are essential. 

Face masks are imperative for preventing the spread of Covid-19, another name for the coronavirus, because they stop saliva droplets from infecting the air and surfaces. 

Coronavirus is primarily spread through respiratory droplets, according to the Center for Disease Controal and Prevention. 

Even with a 6-foot distance from people, without a mask, the coronavirus is likely to be transferred because of aerosols, according to Harvard University. Aerosols are infectious air particles that can be in the air for up to three hours. On surfaces, Covid germs can be alive up to three days depending on the material. 

“Masks are recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air,” the CDC reported.

When out in public, although being quarantined at home is the safest way to avoid sickness, wearing a mask can stop your germs and others’ germs from advancing this disease. 

“Wearing masks protects others from yourself … you could be asymptomatic and still spread the disease,” Leah Gregowicz, a telemetry nurse, said.  

No one can ever be completely sure if they have Covid or not. From the time of retracting transmittable germs, it can be up until two weeks before you have symptoms according to the CDC.

By wearing a mask, it keeps everyone safe from your own germs and can prevent some of the consumption of other people’s germs. 

Kari Baranoski, a local psychiatric nurse, said,“It’s a simple thing we can do to protect ourselves and to protect others.”