Aspan: Top 5 alternative albums

Music dictates a large portion of today’s youth. Anywhere you go there is always at least one high schooler or young adult that has their headphones shoved into their ears; that’s just the way that things are today.

With the holidays rapidly approaching, students are casting aside their textbooks, blaring the music in their cars — not that they don’t do that anyway — as they forget school and eagerly awaiting Christmas. And what better gift to get a student that an album or even an iTunes gift card?

While I do tend to have a very wide taste in music, out of my 600 songs, my Pandora station and Spotify playlists, alternative music seems to dominate most of the things I listen to.

Now I’m not saying that these are the best albums that I’ve ever listened to, but they are all pretty close. And by alternative music standards, they blew me away.

5.  X Ambassadors – VHS

There are some bands out there that you can listen to and know that they sound great on an album or live. X Ambassadors is one of them. Their newest album VHS was released back in June of 2015. With each new song you listen to, new or old, X Ambassadors has an alternative rock vibe that grows on you. Their lyrics and sound go so well together that you won’t be able to stop listening to them.

4. Twenty One Pilots – Blurryface

Although the album was released in May of 2015, the dynamic duo of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dunn still hold praise for their latest album release, Blurryface. It houses some of today’s main ideals of alternative music; for example, going beyond the fence of average music and producing a sound that is uniquely theirs. Their songs never seem to grow old and their music is as bewitching as anything else they have produced in the past.

3. Lana Del Ray – Honeymoon

Lana Del Ray first made her appearance in 2012 but since then she has come a long way. With her latest album, Honeymoon, which was released in Sept. of 2015, her album has continued to please music goers and helped to build her fanbase. I won’t lie in saying that you have to get used to her music. It is different to say the least. But it will draw you in and her voice will end up captivating you just as it did to me. The alt. indie feel she produces with each word is as good as anything I’ve ever heard.

2. Imagine Dragons – Smoke + Mirrors

I would be besides myself if I left this band out of the mix. Smoke + Mirrors  was released in early 2015 and since then it has held it’s place as one of the top alternative albums of 2015. The members of  Imagine Dragons are a special breed of talent and hard work. Songs like “The Fall” and “Thief” are why the band is so successful. Their songs are play with the electronic sounds and indie feel that makes them a band. Nonetheless, they stay true to their alternative roots with their single for the album “I Bet my Life” and even with “Hopeless Opus.”

1.Halsey – Badlands

Halsey is by far one of the most talented on-the-rise artists at the moments. Her new album Badlands launched in August of 2015. Since then her fanbase and popularity has been increasing. Every female alternative artist seems to have the same feel nowadays. Halsey embodies originality in her music that is refreshing and deep. Her genuine lyrics play at human emotions that sometimes we don’t like feeling and topics that are rather controversial like abuse. Her music has a great message that is creates a great listening experience.

Buying CD’s isn’t something a lot of people do anymore. But giving a student an itunes gift card to purchase any of these amazing albums wouldn’t be a bad idea for a christmas gift. Especially if they enjoy alternative music as much as I do. They are definitely the top five albums I will be listening to over winter break; and if you want to have your mind blown, you should listen to them too.