Juniors, seniors set to face off in Powderpuff


At the 2015 Powderpuff game, juniors and seniors squared off in what has become a Homecoming tradition.

Every Friday, students, faculty, and parents anticipate watching the MCHS Football Team beat rival schools and make their fellow peers proud; but now it’s the female upperclassmen’s chance to play in front of the school in the annual Powderpuff game.

The 2016 MCHS Powderpuff game will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at Central Campus. Juniors and seniors will be facing head to head, coached by football players in their respective grades..

There are six senior coaches including Collin Johnson, Nick Johnson, Johnny Carnagio, Zach Kijowski, Brennan Loughran and Logan O’Brien. There are also five junior coaches: Max Christiano, Owen Kapple, Colin Schuster, Derek Wentworth and Bennett Lundberg.

“So far, coaching powderpuff has been really fun. Our expectations for this year is to beat the juniors by 14-0,” Nick Johnson, senior, said. “We have a lot of strong girls who know the game very well.”

Senior players practice the week before Homecoming, from Monday-Thursday, 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.

Practices consist of a dynamic warmup and individual specialties. An individual specialty is when each coach works with every position, such as quarterbacks, defensive backs, offensive line, wide receivers, etc. During the rest of practice, the offense and defense scrimmage.

“I think the game will be exciting because both the teams seem to be pretty good. There should be some good competition,” Macie Alexa, junior, said.

Scheduled to quarterback the seniors are Melissa Liedtke and Brooklyn Bachmann.

Leading the juniors will be Abby Larsen, Jillian Kurtz, Taylor Baranski, Stacey Tyrell and Natalie Zito.

Both junior and senior players are excited to play on Wednesday and show how much their practices and hard work has paid off.