Students get free EKGs


Heart disease. It’s a silent killer. Almost anyone you meet can tell you a relative they know has passed from some sort of heart condition. Even scarier, 3-5 percent  of children aged 5-19 pass away from undiagnosed heart conditions.

MCHS partnered with Morris Hospital to allow students to take a free EKG (electrocardiogram) during student gym classes. The test’s official name is ROOY, which stands for Rhythm of our Youth. The test dates at Central were Sept. 20 and 21 during gym classes.  

The testing at South Campus will take place Oct. 20 and 21. Freshmen and sophomores were excused from health, gym, and driver’s education to get the test. GAVC students were able to find a time that works with their schedule to participate.

“This is an amazing program. If we could identify just one student at risk our goal is a success,” Jori Christensen, nurse at Morris Hospital, said. “We would like to thank all the students and staff who have come out to make this program a success.”

Morris Hospital says the procedure will go as follow: “Volunteers will attach electrodes to the student’s chest and limbs to perform an ECG.  An ECG monitors the electrical activity of the heart and prints the information about its rate and rhythm.  The ECG printout is then read by a cardiologist who interprets the results.”

“I think it’s an awesome opportunity to diagnose undetected heart conditions that could be fatal. I suggest every student does it if their parents allow them,” Ms. Peggy Babic, MCHS nurse, said.

Students have many different reasons for wanting to get the test.

“It’s nice that it was free and that if something is wrong I’ll get to know,” Christiana Turner, junior, said.

Other students chose to get it done for more personal reasons.

“My dad’s side of the family has a history of heart problems so I think it’s important that I got it done,” Natasha Bills, senior, said.

The test itself only takes around 3 minutes, and is completely painless.